Aiquile, H5

On November 20, 2016, a bright daytime fireball split the sky above Aiquile, Bolivia.  A local named Hugo Cardona quickly snagged a …

Bir Lehlou, H-chondrite

This 205 kilogram (451 pound) stone was found ~25 kilometers North of Bir Lehlou, in Western Sahara. It is the ~eighth largest …

Breja, LL6

Breja is an odd fall that somehow escaped publication despite having a known find location, known fall date, and a fairly large …

Bunker Hill, L6

Meteoritical Bulletin entry for Bunker Hill. Robert Haag said that the stone had been found by a scrap collector among the ruins …

Morasko, IAB-MG

There is far more to say about Morasko than I can include here.  In brief, the fall occurred between 5,000 and 5,500 …

Kainsaz, CO3.2

Little historic information seems to have been published about this historic Russian fall.  From Meteor News – News from the Soviet Union …

NWA 7787, Iron

This 203 gram iron meteorite is one of the freshest and most beautiful to come out of Northwest Africa.  It is unclassified …

NWA, Oriented Iron

This 267.5 gram heat-shield came from Aras Jonikas.  When I first saw photos, it looked so smooth and round that I thought …

NWA, Unclassified ‘Bullet’

This is a beautiful unclassified iron from Northwest Africa.  It is highly oriented, with a blunt, rounded nose, several overlapping lips, and …

Millbillillie, eucrite

Millbillillie is an odd one; it was apparently witnessed to fall in October 1960, but no one bothered to track down the …

NWA, ureilite

This beautiful, slightly fluted heat shield is probably a ureilite.  505 grams. Thanks to Mohammed Ismaily.

Uasara, IIAB

Meteoritical Bulletin entry for Uasara. I have only a few things to add to the above description; Sierra Gorda and Negrillos are …

NWA, ordinary chondrite I

This ordinary chondrite has one of the nicer shapes I’ve seen; it’s concave, and flares to a point.  It also has an …

NWA, ordinary chondrite II

This stone was one of the nicer ones we saw on our 2011 trip to Morocco.  It’s flight-marked with flow-lines and lipping; …

NWA, ordinary chondrite III

At the 2019 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, Moussa Minerals seemed to be everywhere: they had multiple tents set up at Kino Park, …